Carrying Place is a community that serves as the gateway to Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada. Situated northwest of Picton and just south of Trenton, it was named for its location on the portage between the Bay of Quinte and Weller's Bay on Lake Ontario. The Loyalist Parkway passes through the community.
In 1787 the Gunshot Treaty was signed at Carrying Place. When Toronto was barely a village, Carrying Place was under consideration to be the capital of Ontario. Before the Murray Canal opened a passage for ships in 1889, travelers from Kingston to York knew the spot well. And long before the white man, Natives portaged the seven mile stretch and gave the place its name. Once a major stagecoach stop on the old Danforth Road (now Loyalist Parkway), Carrying Place is still a milestone for travelers as they cross the canal that made Prince Edward County into an island.